Blog Posts

How to live with abundance, purpose and love

Katy Mazzara Katy Mazzara

Vacation Mode

This week, I’m headed up to a family lake house in Michigan…and I’m going to attempt to get some rest and do nothing but stare out at the waters of Houghton Lake… It’s going to be a challenge.

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Katy Mazzara Katy Mazzara

Financial Challenges You May Have to Face - And How to Do It

It’s Summer, and most of us are not thinking about our finances. However, since July 2nd is “Halfway Day,” it’s a great time to do a financial check up, especially for this year. In this collaborative contributed post, here are some financial challenges and ways to deal with them…

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Katy Mazzara Katy Mazzara

The B Word = Budgeting

Since April is Financial Literacy Month, each week, I’m going to tackle a personal financial…

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Katy Mazzara Katy Mazzara

Lighten Your Load & Find the Joy

Interview with Life Coach Leslie Keeler Saglio

A near death experience, a marriage crisis, and multiple surgeries in the last couple of years have led her to embody even more deeply her message and purpose…

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Katy Mazzara Katy Mazzara

Your Worth is NOT your Work

Interview with Success Coach Monet Boyd
I just recently met Success Coach Monet Boyd, and as soon as we started talking, I got so excited about what she was saying and how she said it…

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Katy Mazzara Katy Mazzara

The Drama Triangle 👀

The end of February is approaching, and I’m filled with so much gratitude for all that’s been celebrated this month…

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