Speaking & Workshops

Tuesdays Together Tide Talk - Money Mindset Event (Feb 18, 2020)

Brown Girls Doc Mafia (November 13, 2019)

It was so wonderful to meet you at the BGDM Money & Power workshop. I started using a nice wallet right away after that night. There were a lot of really powerful lessons. Most of all I realized that the way I felt about money in the past is the way I felt about my self-worth. - Attendee, Christine

Brown Girls Doc Mafia - 2019
I got to be on a panel with these incredible people!

Hue You Know LA State of the Union Panel (July 1, 2019)

The (Actors) Collaborative (June 29, 2019)

Stress Less, Do More Workshop (March 24, 2019)

"The workshop changed my perspective on money! It gave me strategies to combat daily stress and financial anxiety!"

"Laverne, Katy and Sandie have packed this workshop with practical, useful tools that work from the inside out..."

Before I came to the Stress Less Do More workshop, I was having a bit of a midlife crisis--reassessing where I was in my career, in my finances, and feeling like I wasn't where I wanted to be at this stage of my life. I was anxious about my future. Coming to this workshop helped me to reframe my thinking about myself. I've been able to clarify my real values, and I realized that the things I have been chasing (and feeling stressed over) don't necessarily align with those values. What a breakthrough! Laverne, Katy and Sandie have packed this workshop with practical, useful tools that work from the inside out--doing the inner work necessary to make the outer work (like money and career) fall into place. It is a fantastic gift for yourself if you're seeking clarity and a fresh perspective.

-Emily, Writer/Story Producer

"My experience at the Stress Less, Do More Workshop was quite profound ... When is the next one?"

My experience at the Stress Less, Do More Workshop was quite profound. I came into the workshop feeling stressed and sort of hopeless about my career goals, having recently had a big project crumble. During the workshop, I learned some practical skills around correcting some of my mistaken beliefs, as well as being given permission to ask people for help. I also received some great tips on negotiating and how to declutter my finances to help clarify my intentions. Overall, I received many practical skills to add to my tool belt moving forward. I felt safe and supported, which provided me the opportunity to not only share my experience with other like-minded professionals, but to also feel as if I'm part of a bigger community. I would like to do a follow-up workshop... when is the next one?

-Michael, TV Producer

"In just one magical day, I found growth and community to lift me for a lifetime."

The Stress Less. Do More. Workshop has been a turning point for me. I had been mired in my own personal inferno of an emotionally destructive relationship, dwindling job opportunities, and financial fears. In just one magical day, I found growth and community to lift me for a lifetime. To be able to both step back and see the roots of my limiting thoughts, and to focus in to identify my core identity and goals, this workshop has given me amazing tools that I can continue to use to identify my goals and the paths to achieve them.

-Spyke, Freelance Video Editor

"I'd absolutely recommend this workshop to anyone."

These three women are outstanding in what they do. They schedule the day in a structure that builds upon each session, and focus on tangible steps to reduce stress, solve money problems, and action items to go for your goals. I'd absolutely recommend this workshop to anyone.

"I deserve whatever it is I desire...I felt as if we were in the same boat, rising with the tide of self knowledge."

I took away so many pearls of knowledge from the workshop. It filled me with tools and take aways. Our thoughts have a powerful effect on everything we do. It can stop us or open us up. One message was to put things into perspective and to get out of my own way. What are my underlying beliefs that bring stress to my life? Do I deserve success? I thought I did but, after the workshop, I know that I deserve whatever it is I desire. Another great aspect was that each presenter built on the last. Because the room was filled with creative people—including the presenters—I felt as if we were in the same boat, rising with the tide of self knowledge.

San Gabriel Valley Women's Writers Group (March 16, 2019)

If you're interested in having
me speak at your next event,
e-mail me at:

Ellen Palmer's Ideal Year Workshop (January 12, 2019)

"Seriously the lightbulb moments were palpable in the room." - Workshop Attendee

Financial Freedom for Freelancers Workshop (October 14, 2018)

Are you looking for a keynote speaker for your next event, panel, conference or are you an HR professional looking for someone to teach a workshop during open enrollment?

I'm a trauma-informed financial wellness coach for creative freelancers and entrepreneurs, so I love to speak about what true wealth means, achieving financial freedom, how to make money doing what you love, understanding and releasing money blocks and shifting generational trauma in order to create a  generational legacy. 

I also speak about: 

  • Managing your money in a time of crisis

  • How to make money, pay off debts, and save for retirement when your income is inconsistent (i.e. you're a freelancer or you own a business)

  • How to create financial flow in the same way as your creative flow

  • Money as a form of energy & how to use that energy to bring in wealth

  • How to get out of scarcity & into abundance!

  • How to get into a wealth mindset

  • Why I don't believe in budgeting

  • How to negotiate anything!

  • How to NOT worry about money!

I'd love to hear from you and discuss any other ideas, as well! Send an e-mail to: contact@katychenmazzara.com or sign up below for all of my financial freedom blog posts, newsletters and learn ways to work with me.