Client Love

I love my clients, and they get results!

Malika Amandi

Founder, The Center for Women's Voice

"Her services are 100% worth the investment!"

Katy is an incredible coach and mentor. Before we started working together I had a lot of hang ups and fears around money. I flat out didn't trust myself and that was holding me back. From our very first session Katy helped me to work through my blocks with compassion and clarity. Her approach is knowledgeable and intuitive - I learned a ton practically speaking, and I also learned how to start banking on myself and believing that I could make good decisions. During our coaching engagement, Katy helped me make the transition to full time entrepreneur (without losing any money!) and she supported my partner and I to combine our finances and start our marriage with good financial standing. Katy is an incredible resource; her services are 100% worth the investment.

Elise Arsenault

Actor/Coach/Founder of The Global Actor

"Our work with Katy was life-changing and marriage boosting...we're out of credit card debt ...and have an emergency savings."

When my partner and I began our work together I had been in credit card debt my entire adult life. It felt heavy and stressful because in so many ways I felt successful but always had a dirty little secret. I had essentially encouraged my partner to accrue debt, too, thinking it would eventually be paid off. When we argued, it was always about money and while I knew how to make money, I did not have a habit of saving or paying off debts. Our work with Katy was life-changing and marriage boosting. After just ten months of working with her, we're out of credit card debt ($20,000 paid off), have moved through COVID financially at ease, thanks to Katy's coaching around grants we qualified for, and have an emergency savings, where before there was none, of $13,000. I feel abundance daily, my partner has gotten back to his joy of squirreling money away and together we know our future is bright and we're having fun deciding where we'll vacation to once COVID is behind us!

Justin Marra & Elise Arsenault

Tree Cave Creative, LLC - Sound Engineer & Musician - Actor/Career Coach for Actors/Entrepeneur

"When we first started...we were in debt...and we were constantly arguing about's now so easy to talk about money. We NEVER fight about money anymore."

When we first started working with Katy, we were in debt, we did not speak the same financial language, and we were constantly arguing about money. And through our work with Katy, we were able to pay off a ton, basically all of our credit card debt, build an emergency savings where none existed, get really clear on what our personal and business goals are. It's now so easy to talk about money. We never fight about money anymore! Justin: No, not about money. Elise: (laughs)

DaJuan Johnson

Actor & Transformation Life Coach for Actors, Think Bigger Coaching

"(Paid off $30k: I've had the best year possible in my business and in my career EVER!"

Working with Katy has been a game changer for me. She has fully expanded my thinking around money in my career. From values to negotiating contracts to actually personally refinancing my home, it's really, really critical to work with somebody who understands the entertainment industry and how it ebbs and flows with our money works and circles back into our values. It's been pretty life changing working with her. I worked with her through the pandemic, and I've had the best year possible in my business and in my career ever, and I owe a lot of it to Katy.

Jeanne Mailloux

Writer, Film & TV Researcher

"She's more than just a finance coach....I have job opportunities that I couldn't have dreamed of...a screenplay that made The Red List..."

When I met Katy, I felt very overwhelmed and lost. I was working for a company that *should* have been everything I wanted, everything I asked for! However, it wasn’t making me happy - and I had just made a huge decision to leave a high paying job that made me unhappy for that one! To add to that, I was dealing with some crushing problems in my personal life and a family tragedy to boot. Needless to say, I needed someone GOOD. The universe delivered with Katy!

Through her authentic talent for getting to the heart of issues - and for putting the pieces together - I started to get clear on my specific mission and driving forces. I was able to leave my company, pursue the scary world of freelance and actually start doing what I truly wanted. The key here is I’m actually doing it: because I know and feel in my heart that it is the path I was born for! I have job opportunities that I couldn’t have dreamed of, I have a screenplay that made The Red List (yes I actually wrote and finished a good script, a fact still shocking to me) and I know I am heading in the right direction for myself. Katy has been there for me through the whole process and I couldn’t have done it without her support and guidance. I am absolutely keeping her in my corner. She’s more than just a finance coach; because it is all connected to our deeper histories, our souls and our hearts.

Kesso Diallo

Education Consultant

"Katy literally transformed my life, and I highly recommend her to anyone looking for positive, life-long transformation."

Katy Chen Mazzara is a financial expert who will advise you to make wise and lucrative financial decisions. But unlike a financial advisor, who works just with your money, Katy works with your heart. With her empathy and intuition, she will guide you to explore your money mindset and to discard limiting beliefs that have stunted your ability to live in abundance. During a year of coaching from Katy, I advocated for and received a pay raise, put an entire year's salary in savings, paid off credit card debt and lowered my mortgage rate. With ample savings, I was able to leave a job I no longer found fulfilling and take time off to decide the next step on my journey. Katy literally transformed my life, and I highly recommend her to anyone looking for positive, life-long transformation.

Cameron Sarradet & Ethan Coverstone

Designer/Curator, HomeBodi and Architect/Artist

"She empowered us to dream bigger with our future goals!"

We decided to partner with Katy at a really pivotal time in our lives. We were planning our upcoming wedding, buying our first car together, each exploring growth periods in our careers, and we were just beginning to envision a future together as partners.

 Going into the first sessions with Katy, we weren’t sure what to expect since neither of us had ever worked on our money mindset in this way. Katy’s holistic approach to financial wellness meant that we felt comfortable from the start, focusing on our feelings and previous experiences with money instead of throwing numbers around right away. Katy encouraged us to unpack our own misconceptions about finances, and she opened up the floor for us to speak clearly and directly about "scary" topics like debt, budgeting, and retirement.

 Katy tailored our monthly meetings to the events that were happening in our lives, and she made herself available for us when we were making some of the big first time decisions. Working with Katy has further opened up communication on the topic of money in our marriage, allowing us to feel more in sync despite our different perspectives and experiences. We both feel more confident in building our future together because of the tools Katy has provided us with throughout our sessions. Not only did she help guide us in the present moment to make our current financial situation work for us, she also empowered us to dream bigger with our future goals.

Candy Yi

Film Production Freelancer

"Working on myself with Katy has opened up the flow of income to allow me to hit my highest day rate to date in 2020 and get in line to meet my money goal."

I began my first session with Katy January of 2020- I had just switched over from my cool, “looks great on paper” job to freelancing. 2020 was going to be my year! And then Covid-19 rolled through and created turbulence in every industry including in productions and events- my two main sources of income. I worked with Katy still through it discussing, dissecting, and clarifying my relationship with money. And by our final session, not only was I back fully immersed in film production, I grew a new level of confidence on managing my relationship with money. I am fully out of my old ways of having a scarcity mindset to having an abundant mindset! Working on myself with Katy has opened up the flow of income to allow me to hit my highest day rate to date in 2020 and get in line to meet my money goal.

Phoebe S.

Wellness Professional

"Working with Katy led me to landing my dream job."

Working with Katy led me to landing my dream job. I met with Katy twice while in the middle of a very difficult job search. I was beyond frustrated after months of interviews, cover letters, and networking that felt like it lead nowhere. I felt like I was doing something wrong, or was profoundly flawed as a job candidate.

 When I shared all of this with Katy, instead of offering job search advice, she asked me whether I did anything in my life that wasn't outcome-oriented. I thought about it, and admitted that no, everything I did had some sort of outcome connected to it. Katy suggested that I find some activities that weren't so outcome driven, and recommended I find a nearby park with a swing-set. After we spoke, I reluctantly started going to the park and going on the swings. It felt ridiculous at first, but after a few days I started to really find peace on them. I remembered how happy I felt swinging as a little girl, before I'd gotten older and so stressed out about work, success, and achievement.

 When Katy and I met again, she led me through a deeply illuminating forgiveness and self-compassion practice around the abusive treatment I'd experienced in previous positions. She reflected to me that in many ways I was still inflicting the harsh treatment I experienced from former supervisors on myself, and helped me recognize that I am worthy of respect from leadership no matter what.

 About a month and half after that session, a recruiter I was working with got me an interview with a company that totally aligned with my values. I did five interviews with different people on the team, and everyone was warm, welcoming, respectful, and kind. I just signed the contract with them and am starting in a few weeks. I am so grateful to Katy for helping me arrive to this new, exciting chapter.

Stefanie Lau

Program Manager, New York Times

"...she also helped me negotiate a $17,000 salary bump during a pandemic..."

I’m so glad I decided to work with Katy. Not only did she help me see the role money plays in my life, she also helped me negotiate a $17,000 salary bump during a pandemic. My guilt and the likability trap kept telling me to cave in and take whatever I was being offered and Katy helped me stand my ground! I’m so glad she was there to help me negotiate my value and ask for what I was worth!

In general, I have such a fraught relationship with money (impulse spending, giving more than I had for myself, taking less than I’m worth, and feelings of guilt). After my first few sessions with Katy, I started to really see the relationship between my personal experiences/mindset and my wallet and I could feel myself start to let go of the anxiety I felt around saving and spending. For the first time, I’m seeing the relationship clearly and feeling more confident about tackling it in my every day life. I have still have work to do, but the path is now much clearer thanks to Katy helping me bring all these feelings into the light!

Thank you for everything dear, Katy! I’m so glad to have you in my corner!

Laura Flynn Endres

Personal Training | Corporate Wellness,

"I struggled to justify raising my rates...Now, I've raised my rates...launched 2 online companies...whittled down debt...Better yet, I know my worth..."

I'm a hard-working farm girl from the Midwest, but had hit the ceiling on how much I could make because there’s only so much of me to go around and I struggled to justify raising my rates. I knew I had issues with money - believing in my own worth, fear about having enough for retirement, but I didn’t realize how deep they ran and didn’t know how to overcome them.

It never occurred to me to seek help with this, but I found myself at one of Katy’s workshops and knew right then I needed her help.

Fun fact: my husband is a financial advisor. I know more than any muggle should about IRA’s, budgeting, investing, and so on. What I didn’t know was how to lose my fears and feelings of deprivation around money.

It really was one of the last things holding me back. I’m known for my feisty, get-shit-done attitude, yet I wasn’t making nearly what I wanted, and it was wearing me down. Katy’s gentle guidance helped me discover the sources of my issues, and with just the right amount of pushing, she helped me break through some deeply-rooted beliefs that no longer served me.

Now, I’ve raised my rates, which allows me to have fewer clients and provide better service. I’ve hired a subcontractor and two interns. I launched two online companies, one of which has already (within 6 months) attracted attention from potential partners and investors. I’ve whittled down debt. I was even able to pay for a very expensive medical procedure with cash.

Better yet, I know my worth and have left behind the fear and deprivation that used to result in taking on clients that weren’t a good fit and feeling overworked and resentful.

I wish I'd found her sooner!

Katy’s work is the kind of thing you don’t realize you need until you get it. Trust me - you need it. And she has a kind, gentle way about her that allows you to let down and fully embrace the work. I cannot recommend her enough!

Demetra Kane


Before working with her, I was stressed and anxious. After working with Katy, I managed to double my income and not worry about "slow periods."

Working with Katy is a must for anyone looking to get their finances in order. Not only does she help work through any limiting beliefs one may have about money, she also helps you figure out your values and goals and how to align with them. Katy also teaches you about how to practically use your money to your advantage. Everything that we weren't taught in school about investing or spending, Katy teaches. Before working with her, I was concerned about where my money was going, that I wasn't making enough; I was stressed and anxious. After working with Katy, I managed to double my income and not worry about "slow periods." Katy genuinely cares about her clients and loves to negotiate and will help you step into your power. Highly recommend, I will be going to her for all my future financial needs.

Caitlin Henley & Jamie Bibo

TV Producers

"She helped both myself and my partner negotiate for higher pay on jobs we acquired while working with her...but more importantly her encouragement and reminders to use our money in a way that makes us happy and fulfilled."

Taking the time to invest in myself by working with Katy, along with my partner, was invaluable. Where I once believed I'd never retire or own a home, Katy showed me it was possible...and that home ownership is actually closer in our future than anticipated. She also helped both myself and my partner negotiate for higher pay on jobs we acquired while working with her. Katy showed us how to believe in ourselves and realize our self-worth. Because of our work, my partner and I are taking the time off we've always dreamed about, to road-trip and ski/snowboard the mountains in the West. It's because of her help with setting up savings and retirement funds that we realized we do have the money available, but more importantly her encouragement and reminders to use our money in a way that makes us happy and fulfilled. I'm so glad my partner and I did this course with Katy...we feel more set-up for our longtime goals, and empowered to make decisions for the next steps in our future.


We had our 8-week long ski trip between Jan-March... We were so happy to have that time to do what we wanted, and we felt financially stable during our hiatus from work because of the principles we learned with you. We're hoping to make this a yearly trip - maybe not for as long, but at least to get that quality time together doing what we really want!!

 Since we've been back in LA we've both been working steadily, with the biggest news of Jamie negotiating for a better title and raise! He's been working so hard at putting himself out there to get that title jump, and it's finally paid off. A lot of this is credited to our time working with you, where we learned not only about recognizing our value within ourselves, but also how beneficial it is when you spell out your value (and show it!) to employers, and really anyone in our lives. We've also gone back to reference emails that you helped us craft when negotiating, and that has been helpful in making sure we're getting what we're worth in each new contract.

Cara Nemchek

Reading Specialist,

New York, NY

"Boy were my expectations blown away. Not only did I almost DOUBLE my income and draw in unbelievable professional opportunities in my time with Katy, but I felt a profound and final shift into truly understanding my worth, deep down in my bones."

Working with Katy was the absolute best thing I did for myself in 2018 - and I had a big year of leaving my 9-5 to start my own company. But still, working with Katy takes the cake. I honestly went into financial coaching as a skeptic. I had done years of personal development work and felt my self worth was at an all time high, but for some reason I was still struggling with personal finances. I wasn't sure what financial coaching would do besides giving me some practical steps to take with my money, but boy were my expectations blown away. Not only did I almost double my income and draw in unbelievable professional opportunities in my time with Katy, but I felt a profound and final shift into truly understanding my worth, deep down in my bones. I worked through childhood memories I hadn't thought about in years, released old stories, got clear on my core values and what it truly means to take care of myself, and was amazed as that translated into transforming all areas of my life - from my home to my health to even being ready for another serious relationship. I cannot say enough about the transformative power of Katy's work. If you have any small inkling that this might be for you, don't hesitate. I know it will reap the rewards of this investment for the rest of my life!

Tara Bradford

Strategist, Reputation Designer & International Speaker,

New York, NY

"Just 2 weeks after I began working with her 1:1, I sold out my group coaching program in 24 hours."

Katy Chen Mazzara is an incredible coach. I love her holistic approach to financial wellbeing! Just 2 weeks after I began working with her 1:1, I sold out my group coaching program in 24 hours. Now I have a solid plan for how to manage my finances moving forward and I feel confident in my ability to make money as a small business owner, stay out of debt, and create a stable financial future for myself. Katy does an amazing job of teaching the techniques and strategies while also transforming your mindset throughout the duration of the program. If you are feeling overwhelmed by the financial ups and downs of running your own business I would highly recommend working with Katy to help you feel more financially secure and empowered.

Anna Tsui

Intuitive Business Coach,

Bestselling author, Shadow Magic: How to Use your Fear as Fuel and Build a Prosperous Coaching Business

"Katy's deep knowledge on all aspects of money has helped me holistically, from healing emotional money blocks to planning for fluctuating revenue to growing future wealth."

"Working with Katy has helped me build immense confidence in myself and my finances. I have had a thriving business for several years, but I did not have a financial plan and didn't start saving for retirement until recently. Other than paying my bills, I didn't have a solid money plan. Katy's deep knowledge on all aspects of money has helped me holistically, from healing emotional money blocks to planning for fluctuating revenue to growing future wealth.

 What I love about Katy is she is really generous with her knowledge and truly wants the best for her clients. She goes above and beyond. I mean, anyone thrives in that environment!"

Kim Bowers

Writer, Teacher, Administrator

"Now, I'm fearless when it comes to money matters."

Before I worked with Katy, money made me nervous. I didn’t even want to face my retirement account; I wasn’t even sure how much was in it. Now, I’m fearless when it comes to money matters. I’ve even recognized that I
actually like money; years of socialization had encouraged me to think having money was unjust. Katy helped me let go of that belief.

Katy also helped me name my top values and reconnect with joy on a more regular basis. She also encouraged me to develop my own business, which I’m currently dreaming up. I’m so grateful for working with her!

Kelly Duong


"I've learned more from Katy than I have ever learned from my education."

I've learned more from Katy than I have ever learned from my education. She's very eye-opening, knowledgeable and patient. She taught me how to switch to high yield saving account and earning over 32% more than I was originally earning from my old savings account. She also taught me how to open my Roth and Simple IRA accounts, negotiate car deals and learned how to spend my money to invest in my future. Thank you, Katy! You're amazing and I couldn't do it without you. I will be coming back to you when I'm ready to buy a house! Book her, you won't regret it. She has endless knowledge and have all the answers to your questions. Thanks, again!

Karole Foreman

Actor, Singer, Writer, Producer, Educator, & on IMDB

"Financial coaching with Katy was one of the best gifts I've given to myself!"

(Taken from the video, not verbatim): Financial Coaching with Katy was one of the best gifts I've given myself! I'm a working actor/performer, and I knew I wanted to articulate more financial goals for myself and I also wanted to be more comfortable and confident in talking about money and understanding my money, how I can make the most of it, be taken care of as as artist because we're not taught about the business side of entertainment/acting.

I wanted to define goals for myself, both artistically and financially, and I wanted to work with someone who can help me achieve those goals. Working with Katy was such a wonderful eye-opening experience. She's a creative herself, a producer who's worked behind-the-scenes, so it's a great opportunity to talk to her about what that looks like.

What's also wonderful about her program is that it's much more holistic. She draws from a lot of different modalities, and the way she asks you questions to help you unpack belief systems. We talk about retirement, financial planning and budgeting but in a place that's non-judgmental, that's comfortable and safe. She's a wonderful communicator who makes you feel at ease, which I really appreciated because sometimes talking about money can be uncomfortable.

I now feel so much more confident about my retirement because I'm on track. So, I've come out of the program with more confidence, access to information, and tools that are going to really help me on this journey. So, if you are a creative and are thinking about working with a financial coach, please just do it. Work with Katy! You'll be so glad that you did.

Ryan Kitley

Actor/Voiceover Talent, &

"I more than doubled my income from the previous year...During our time with Katy we paid off two credit cards and a home equity loan."

I more than doubled my income from the previous year. Even though I had booked a commercial before we met, Katy was a major influence on helping us to allow that financial flow to exist, and really guided us on how to spend that money.

Within minutes of talking to her I knew Katy was a perfect fit for us. She put us at ease immediately. I was drawn to Katy because of her approach. She combines the practical side of finances with the artistic side. As an actor this was very appealing to me.

I am forever grateful to her for helping us tackle a huge amount of debt. During our time with Katy we paid off two credit cards and a home equity loan. This accomplishment, I believe, was achieved through a combination of financial planning, manifesting, staying positive and sticking to our goals - all things Katy helped us with tremendously.

My wife and I are now on the same page in terms of our approach to finances. While working with Katy we were able to speak open and honestly about a lot of our money issues. This communication with Katy and each other has given us a sense of calm and relief. My wife was a little hesitant before a couple of our sessions. After every session, we both always felt so much better. We both have a strong sense that there is a financial light at the end of the tunnel.

Kelley Kitley, LCSW

Serendipitous Psychotherapy, LLC, | Author & TEDx speaker

"My husband and I worked with Katy for 8 weeks, and it was such a transformative experience both personally and for our marriage."

My husband and I worked with Katy for 8 weeks and it was such a transformative experience both personally and for our marriage. Having the opportunity to focus on core values, spending habits, budgeting, short and long terms goals, gave me a new appreciation for finances. Katy helped us put a plan in place to pay off some major debt using an approach that helped us feel empowered and motivated. My husband and I come from very different family dynamics which had been causing conflict in our relationship. Katy helped give us new perspectives while offering suggestions on ways to support one another. As a psychotherapist, I work with couples who have major financial conflict and I refer all of them to Katy because I can personally speak to her expertise and empathic demeanor. I am forever grateful for this experience!

George Foreman IV, "Big Wheel"

International Business | Sales | TV Personality, @GeorgeForemanIV

"Working with Katy opened my eyes to profound shifts that have changed my life."

Before I started working with Katy Chen Mazzara, I felt financially illiterate. Growing up, financial decisions were taken care of for me, so I didn't understand the true value of money or how to make it work for me. I also had to figure out my family's business at a young age and would often feel overwhelmed, frustrated or angry. Working with Katy opened my eyes to profound shifts that have changed my life. She showed me where my money blocks came from, what my values are, my purpose in this life, and how to set boundaries, so I can be as generous as I want to be and not be taken advantage of. Because of Katy's coaching I was able to pay off a credit card and am bringing in more money, than when we first started working together. My relationships with family and friends are even stronger now! As someone who was an athlete for most of my life, having a coach really makes sense for me to get to the next level and increase my money performance. I can't thank Katy enough for giving me the skills I now use every day!

Autumn Doerr

TV Producer | Writer | Author of Baker's Dozen: A Lexi Fagan Mystery

"I was able to pay off my credit card debts...I have a solid financial plan & am no longer afraid of having enough money."

In the past, thinking about managing my money and planning for my financial future filled me with panic. As a creative person, I had built a wall around anything to do with money and ignored it for too long. So, when Money Mentoring with Katy Chen Mazzara became an option, I jumped at the chance. Katy guided me with kindness and made talking about money fun. In the time we worked together, I was able to pay off my credit card debts. After finishing our sessions, I have a solid financial plan and am no longer afraid of having enough money. It came as no surprise that my experience working with Katy as my Money Mentor would be rewarding and satisfying. What did come as a surprise was how easily the wall I had built up around money dissolved with the right guidance. Thank you, Katy!

Cori O.

Digital Marketer | Web Designer,

"I have made 10 fold what I invested in this program and...know that I am worthy of a life (financial or otherwise) that is richly abundant and wildly successful."

Katy's coaching program was one of the most supportive and impactful investments that I ever made in myself.

When I met Katy I had hit my financial "rock bottom" -- filing for bankruptcy and barely scraping by paycheck to paycheck. I was scared, ashamed, and knew that I never wanted to be in these circumstances again. So I took a leap of faith and hired Katy as my coach hoping that her program would be the financial solution that I was looking for.

Throughout the course, with compassion and expert instruction, Katy guided me in transforming my financial hardship into knowledge, action, and a future plan that gave me confidence. She helped me see that I could transform my financial loss into financial gain and that I didn't have to penny pinch and live in the world of scarcity to get there. She made the journey fun, playful, liberating, and joyous...all things I would have never said about my finances!

Less than a year later, I sit happily with comfortable savings, a good and getting better credit score, plenty of resources, a growing business and I have completely left debt and scraping by behind me! And while I am so proud of all of those accomplishments, the most important asset that I received working with Katy is the self-esteem to know that I am worthy of a life (financial or otherwise) that is richly abundant and wildly successful.

Thank you, Katy, for your dedication and faith in me. I have made 10 fold what I invested in this program and will continue to reap the benefits for a lifetime!

Vanessa C.

Project Manager

"My spouse and I have a financial plan but even better, we have a better understanding of each other..."

When my spouse and I decided to combine our finances, I was surprised by how many hard and unexpected emotions came up for me! I was so grateful that we hired Katy who not only understands money but had the coaching skills to help me put words to my feelings and to communicate with my spouse. Now, my spouse and I have a financial plan but even better, we have a better understanding of each other and experience with hard conversations about money. Thank you, Katy!

Niya Christine

Artist & Authenticity Coach,

"I feel more creatively engaged and freer in discovering my own unique brand of business, earning, and on purpose service...Katy helped me claim the whole hearted life I have always felt in my heart."

Where to begin with this one? First of all, I think I know everything and therefore don’t ever engage coaches! 😆. Not exactly … but let’s just say I came in kicking and screaming. I knew I needed the support as I’m going through some massive life changes in the arena of career and financial health and strategies. She impressed me with her strength and grace in the face of resistance. And the scariest times bring in a lot of it.

Working with Katy just got better and better. She has a strong program, consistent structure and style and real gifts and mad skills. I always felt she genuinely cared about not just my growth but about the values I wove into that growth. That I was true to myself. I’m a major doer. Always on the move. Tons of ideas and when I met her, going in several directions at once. Panicked and repeating patterns.

Now I’ve arrived at the exact career direction that integrates not only my values but the joy I feel helping women come grab ahold of their creative power to make anything happen. Especially, the impossible. I’m finishing up the finishing touches on my first in person retreat post pandemic and I have enrolled my first one on one client in this work. I feel more creatively engaged and freer in discovering my own unique brand of business, earning, and on purpose service. In the words of Brene Brown, Katy helped me claim the whole hearted life I have always felt in my heart.

Thank you Katy. I look forward to working with you again. You are a true gift.


Active Duty Military

"I'm well on my way to having over $1,000,000 (yes 1 million dollars!!) in my retirement fund...and best of all, I did not have to make unrealistic sacrifices to implement any of my goals!"

Katy Chen Mazzara's Money Mentoring program has completely transformed my relationship with money! Prior to this program, I found myself in a cycle of repeatedly maxing out & paying off my credit cards, unable to save or keep money in savings for an extended period of time, and fearfully avoidant when it came to planning for retirement.

My money beliefs went from being rooted in scarcity & not-enoughness to being rooted in empowerment & strong decision-making! As a single women with a successful career, this has been such a game changer; not only to my relationship with money, but to my self-esteem & my positive belief in my financial future!

I am now in a position where the money I save for vacation is earning me interest throughout the year, I'm aggressively paying off credit card debt, I am maintaining a budget, I'm well on my way to having over $1,000,000 (yes 1 million dollars!!) in my retirement fund by the time I reach 65, and best of all, I did not have to make unrealistic sacrifices to implement any of my goals!

If the words budget, savings, investing, retirement fund or credit card debt scare you or make you uncomfortable, THIS program is for YOU! Katy will transform your relationship with money, just as she has mine & you will not regret this investment in yourself!

Kristen Small


"I am proud to tell you that I started 2021 debt free! Two and a half years and $30,000 later, all of my credit cards have a zero balance! It's such an amazing feeling! So empowering!"

Thank you for your wisdom and guidance regarding my finances. I am proud to tell you that I started 2021 debt free! Two and a half years and $30,000 dollars later, all of my credit cards have a zero balance! It is such an amazing feeling! So empowering! My coaching sessions with you allowed me to change my feelings/energy around my debt from fear and avoidance to gratitude and action. Your advice saved me thousands of dollars in interest fees, not to mention years of stress and the accompanying ill health. You and your coaching were such a gift and I am so grateful to have had access to your knowledge.

Stephanie Burden


"I had read testimonials before I started with Katy and had thought, 'could some sort of shift like that happen to me?'...but it did!"

Before I started working with Katy, I felt completely insecure about my own finances. I had gotten myself out of debt, twice, so I was very unsure and scared that I would repeat that cycle. Working with Katy's approach of coming from abundance and working to put that mindset into my daily life has been amazing. I had read testimonials before I started with Katy and had thought, "could some sort of shift like that happen to me?:" but it did! I feel like I got the practical money education that I just never had in school (or had never paid attention to in school) and the mindset of peace and abundance instead of fear and scarcity. I also had several breakthroughs in other areas of my life- from working on some core money issues. I'm extremely grateful that I worked with Katy- she is incredibly insightful, generous and lives what she shares. I highly recommend!!

Annie (Coyote) Paquette & Dan (Treebanker) Teft

Author, Speaker, Founder of Fearless Soul Shining

Since working with Katy: We have found stability. We have made sound debt-management decisions without depriving ourselves. We invest in things that support our vision. Money is coming to us more "lovingly." The right people are starting to show up. Trust is much greater.

Our money situation had become OVERWHELMING and exhausting. We were in really deep DEBT, always “chasing” money and paying a high price earning it (like health). Juggling our expenses-payments-credit cards was taking a huge chunk of my time and CRUSHING MY SOUL. Money-talk meant feelings of ANXIETY, SCARCITY, FEAR, FRUSTRATION.

We just couldn’t seem to course-correct on our own—our patterns too deeply anchored. What we tried didn’t stick...until we met Katy.

KATY is…. extraordinary. She brings a perspective on circumstances and events that is at once COMPLETELY OBJECTIVE and DEEPLY PERSONAL. She is INSIGHTFUL, HIGHLY INTUITIVE, INHERENTLY GENEROUS (no kidding).

If you work with Katy, you WILL see results in your money-matters, but because everything is interrelated, it is your LIFE AS A WHOLE that will be MAGICALLY TRANSFORMED.

Twelve months later, we are amazed at how much PROGRESS there has been in our life. We’re not debt-free, but we have relieved a lot of it. More importantly, our minds have been freed and we are taking flight. Pretty soon, we’ll be soaring. And it feels GREAT. We love you Katy. Thank you.

Meg F.

Digital Director

"In just a few weeks of working together, I was called for a big job with a six-figure salary...A year and 3 months later, I've paid off $35K of debt..."

As a creative entrepreneur, I was struggling to pay my bills month to month and seriously stressed out. As Katy carefully walked me through her financial fun sheet exercises, shame was replaced with facts and a plan. In just a few weeks of working together, I was called back for a big job with a six-figure salary and went on to get it. A year and three months later, I've paid off $35K of debt, and am on track for a down payment on a home. With Katy's sound wisdom and inspiring teacher mindset, I finally feel like I've got the financial basics down. I recommend Katy to anyone looking to transform their money mindset from the inside out and finally break through those long-held blocks to fulfill your full potential.

Dana Leipold

Holistic Wellness Coach,

"For the first time in a very long time, I actually had more money in my checking account at the end of the month."

When I first started working with Katy, I had a lot of limiting beliefs around money. I did not trust myself with money and thought being good with money was a gift I just didn't have. Katy's approach to coaching was perfect for me because she works on both the emotional/spiritual side as well as the nuts and bolts side of finance. She has this strong yet compassionate demeanor that made me feel safe and secure so I was able to be vulnerable and dig deep into what was blocking me. Her gift of being able to hold space while teaching me about the balance between spending, earning, and saving was exactly what I needed. To be clear, Katy is not all about the "woo woo" stuff. She teaches practical finance management, which something I never really learned...and I'm 51 years old! For the first time in a very long time, I actually had more money in my checking account at the end of the month! I'm also no longer afraid of looking at my bank account daily and keeping on top of my finances. Her services are desperately needed because most of us don't have these skills and we get into a lot of debt without a way out. I absolutely feel like I received tons of value and knowledge that will not only help me but also my family. Don't wait or hesitate! Grab Katy now before she gets too busy!

Martin M.

Account Manager

"I now feel confident about my financial future."

I contacted Katy because I was experiencing a lot of stress due to financial matters and needed guidance on how to best approach this issue. Katy drew a clear picture of where I was financially and pointed out the steps I needed to take to get out of debt, meet today’s needs, and plan for the future. She focused on the most critical items to take care of at the time. What I appreciated about Katy was her empathetic, supportive, and solution-based approach to the challenges I faced during this process - in the most difficult times, she was there to assist. She also provided me with financial tips and ideas that I either did not know existed or thought they were not possible. I now have a clear picture of the steps I need to take to meet my money affairs and feel confident about my financial future.

I recommend anybody who does not have a clear direction with their money, is stuck financially, or even wants to take their finances to the next level, to work with Katy!