Work With Me

You know that to live your best life, you probably should get your finances in order. Somehow you never get around to it. Maybe it's because you're a creative minded person who just doesn't think like an accountant or maybe it's because you have a huge, generous heart and you tend to take care of everyone else first. If you're here, you must be curious to see how you can make that part of your life a little easier. Here's where I come in. Through practical tools and spiritual practices, you'll empower yourself with knowledge, rid yourself of any money blocks, have a system to pay down your debts and build up your reserves, even without a steady income! I'll help you get to your financial goals, whether that's spending less, saving more, getting out of debt or figuring out how much you need to save for your kid's college, to buy a house or to retire comfortably.

I'm a creative type, as well, so I'll speak to you, without any fancy financial jargon and support you every step of the way towards building your wealth and true financial freedom!

I start with a free 30 minute financial assessment to get to know you better, your story, your goals, and to see if we're a good fit. In this assessment, you can ask as many questions as you want, and sometimes, that's all you really need! If you feel like you want to dive deeper into your financial life and see if you're on the right track, I've created both 1-on-1 and a group membership course and coaching program.

By the time you finish the 1-on-1 or group membership you will:

  • Have a real working budget (or I like to call it a financial wellness plan) that works for you and your lifestyle, which includes FUN stuff that you care about. It's NOT a diet because we all know that diets don't work. It's a shift in thinking that produces results!

  • Have a clear plan of how to pay off your credit card debts. Some of you may be able to pay off your credit cards in the time we work together, which will free up more of your money!

  • Have accounts set up for any of your money goals, like retirement or a rainy day fund.

  • Know how to minimize taxes and maximize insurance for your specific situation.

  • Have a clear idea of what your future looks like and how to get it.

  • Get rid of money issues and stories that no longer serve you, so that you ultimately can have peace of mind.

It could take just ONE session, like Emi!

Let's talk. Sign up for a creative consultation.