From The Bachelor/Bachelorette to Money Mentor...

It's the 1 year anniversary of this Blog!!! Let's Celebrate!!!

June 11, 2018, I launched my first blog post on somewhat of a sad note. Both Anthony Bordain and Kate Spade had committed suicide, and they hit me hard. However, it was a moment for me to reflect on what success and happiness truly meant, and how we all should define our own successes.

Fast forward to a year later, and I have to tell you, I'm defining and re-defining what I consider to be success and happiness, combined, almost daily! I still try and write a blog each and every week, for you. In the last year, I've spoken to over 100 people 1-on-1, either in a first free financial session or through working together! This website has gotten close to 5000 unique views, and I held several workshops, been invited to speak on webinars and other coaches' programs as a guest expert, and have been interviewed on two podcasts.

And you know what? The credit goes to...YOU and God (the Universe, Spirit, whatever you want to call it). I KNOW I'm meant to do this work because each step has been shown to me. I haven't pushed for anything, and while I do plan, I also know when to surrender because what God has planned for me is ALWAYS greater than if I tried to control and plan it.

This is exactly what I discuss, in an interview with my dear friend Whit (who was a producer at Access Hollywood) and her sister, Ry. They're on YouTube under the moniker, Candid as a Mother, where they talk about being moms, health, DIY, and also...their hilarious and popular takes on ABC's The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. Since I was a Senior Producer on that show for about 5 years (10 seasons), AND I met my husband on the show, Whit asked if they could interview me. I was going to wait until their video comes out, but I just couldn't wait to share some of what we talked about... (If you're only interested in how I became a financial coach and why, it's the first half of this video, and if you're only interested in The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, we switch gears about 13 minutes in and jump into some of their questions about my time on the hit franchise...)

There's more juicy stuff I cut out of this video, so you'll just have to wait until their video of our interview goes up on YouTube. I also their subscriber e-mails, which was fun!

As I mentioned last week, I'm celebrating by 1) giving away free 1-hour financial coaching sessions to past, current and newbies! If you've never had a session prior, just subscribe to this blog below, and then click HERE to schedule a day & time that works for you. If you're a past or current client, you can click on the link or just send me an e-mail!


Next, I want to hear from you on what you'd like to see from me in the near future! I'm already hearing that you want a Facebook Group, so that's definitely in the works very soon! (I'm hiring a virtual assistant to help me with this big task! If you're interested, send me an email at

As I mentioned last week, I'm celebrating by 1) giving away free 1-hour financial coaching sessions to past, current and newbies! If you've never had a session prior, just subscribe to this blog below, and then click HERE to schedule a day & time that works for you. If you're a past or current client, you can click on the link or just send me an e-mail!

Next, I want to hear from you on what you'd like to see from me in the near future! I'm already hearing that you want a Facebook Group, so that's definitely in the works very soon! (I'm hiring a virtual assistant to help me with this big task! If you're interested, send me an email at

A few people also sent me messages that they would want to be in a group coaching program, which I've always felt may not work with finances since it's usually so personal. However, if you're asking for it, and I get a few more requests, then let's try it and see! Now, this is a bit crazy...but for the group coaching, I'm actually asking YOU what you want to pay. So, comment below if you DO want group coaching, and how much you'd pay!

With Gratitude,

Previous Comments

Whitney Yaaaassssss! Congrats again on a year of doing what you're meant to do!

June 11, 2019, 08:31am

Annie Hi Katy! Congratulations!!!! You deserve this accolade on so many levels. 1-For the sticking-with-it determination of posting every week since you decided to do it. Bravo! 2-For your ability to ear and listen to a guidance bigger than your own. 3-For the AMAZING work you do with people like Moi! 4-For sharing the beautiful human being you are. Thank you! Congrats! Wishing you much joy (bundles) through your no-doubt continued success. Love, Annie

June 11, 2019, 10:03am

Katy @Whitney Thanks so much for the fun interview! I can't wait to see it on Candid as a Mother! Congrats on your YouTube page! Over 5000 subscribers in a very short amount of time is HUGE!!!

June 11, 2019, 12:21pm

Katy @Annie Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Love you so much, Annie!!!

June 11, 2019, 12:22pm

Patrice Congratulations! I’m so happy for you 😁 (On a side note, check your date at the beginning of your second sentence above. I think you meant 2018 - sorry, once a teacher always a teacher ... 🤓🤗)

June 11, 2019, 12:28pm

Valene Peratrovich Congratulations, Katy! I'm so grateful for you and all your have shared with all of us! Cheers to all your anniversaries to come and continued success!

June 11, 2019, 12:56pm

Katy @Valene Peratrovich Thank you so much, my friend! I'm so grateful for you too, in my life!

June 11, 2019, 01:50pm

Katy @Patrice Changed! Thanks for catching that! I was writing it so fast, and for the first time, I also didn't re-read and edit before I published. Thanks for the correction, teacher! I need that in my life. :)

June 11, 2019, 01:55pm

Charlene Congrats on your anniversary and all you've accomplished Katy! So fun to see you and Whit together in this video. You're both so inspiring!

June 24, 2019, 07:06pm

Katy @Charlene Thanks, Charlene! It was really fun to get interviewed by her! LOL. You can check out the full video on her YouTube page at Candid as a Mother!

June 25, 2019, 02:19am


Happy Father's Day!


Happy June!