Finding Your True Self

At the end of this month, I'm going to be co-hosting and presenting at the True Self Summit. It's three days with 12 master coaches from around the world, and I think our main host, Anne van der Geissen, says it best in this introductory video:


Master Coach and Host Anne van der Geissen says:


The True Self Summit is to create one powerful transformative journey across three days.

So, we start with -- understanding who you are, what is your true self, how do you come into integrity with you?

Beyond that, we move into understanding how you relate to others -- relationships, love, joy -- how do you deal with your finances?

And in the final day, we expand that into what is your vision for your life? How do you really get the most out of yourself and operate at peak performance? And how do you build your capacity to receive in the world?

We are so excited to present this event to you. It's jam-packed with value from breath work to experiential coaching, we've got so much in there. So, whether you come for just one session or whether you join us intensively for the three days, we know you're going to get so much from this.

So check out all of the information the site below and click the link to sign up and register your details so that you don't miss out on any of the details leading up to the event, and if you can't attend live, no worries. You have access to the event recordings for 48 hours, or if you'd like to join as a VIP, you will have access for much longer. Additionally, all VIPs will have the opportunity to experience coaching from one of our master coaches one-on-one on the hot seat, so please don't miss this opportunity. Check out all of the info below, and we cannot wait to see you inside at the True Self Summit.

I'll be presenting on Manifesting Financial Wellness, and we'll be very interactive to get you thinking about your financial life in a very different way. In my presentation/talk/workshop:

  • I'll reveal how your beliefs may be holding you back from financial wellness, so that you can manifest and get what you truly want!

  • You'll learn how to release money blocks, so that you can get unstuck and make money doing what you love.

  • And you'll discover what value you're currently putting onto money and how you can align this value with your core values, so that you can achieve true financial freedom.


With Love & Gratitude,


3 Key Mistakes Keeping You From Being Your True Self


Going on Strike With My Fellow Coaches