Give Thanks

We’re officially into the holiday season.


So this is the last blog post I'm going to write for awhile.


I'm going to take a break for Thanksgiving and instead of giving you training and stories in this blog form, I’m offering a comprehensive FREE training, just for you, in December.

Remember, when I said... hang on, if you have federal student loans and to take a deep breath, not panic and let's see what happens in the next month, before loans are set to resume payments? Well...


This news came out on Tuesday, November 22nd, a few days before the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday. Payments were set to resume at the beginning of next year.

(from sofi):
When do payments resume? As of right now, the exact date is unclear. According to a press release by the Department of Education, these are the two most likely ways this could go:

  • If student loan forgiveness happens before June 30, 2023, payments will begin 60 days after the forgiveness is implemented.

  • If student loan forgiveness does not happen before June 30, 2023, payments will begin 60 days after June 30. What happens now: The case for student loan forgiveness will go through the courts, possibly making its way up to the Supreme Court. In the meantime, the 16 million applicants who were approved for forgiveness are waiting in limbo.

    What you can do: Even though you don’t have to make payments on your federal student loans, it doesn’t mean you can’t. If you are able, you may consider making payments anyway — especially if you have more than $10k or $20k in student loans. Interest rates are set at 0% during the pause, so any money put toward payments will go straight to the principal balance.


The payment pause was extended because the U.S. Department of Education had to stop taking applications for student loan forgiveness because a federal judge in Texas (Mark Pittman who was nominated by Trump) ruled that the program is illegal.


The Texas lawsuit was filed by a group called the Job Creators Network Foundation, on behalf of two borrowers who didn’t qualify for debt relief.


One of the borrowers didn’t qualify because her loans aren’t federal government loans, and the other borrower was angry that he was only eligible for $10,000 in debt relief because he didn’t receive a Pell grant (meaning he wasn’t in a lot of need, since Pell grants are only given to students who have the greatest need).


Wow! So they actually wanted forgiveness and because they’re not getting what they want, they’re now blocking others in getting it. It's this kind of entitlement...Ugh.


They argued that they couldn’t voice their complaints because the Biden administration didn’t put it through a formal notice-and-comment process.


So now it could be tied up in the courts for months. However, if you don't have to start paying until forgiveness starts, it's something that we can all be thankful for!

Now since it’s almost Thanksgiving (or it may be Thanksgiving by the time you read this), I want to share with you what I’m thankful for because I know that spiritually, when we have a grateful heart, what we are thankful for, will continue to bless us. 

“Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.”

― A.A. Milne

“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around."

- Willie Nelson


I also know that God, the Universe, or whatever you believe in, will also listen to your requests and prayers, when you do it from a place of gratitude.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. "

- Philippians 4:6

 Since we’re talking about Philippians 4, I’d like to share another one of my favorite Bible verses from that book and chapter:

Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

- Philippians 4:11-13 

I have definitely learned the secret, so let me know if you want to learn it as well. I'm sharing my secrets in the masterclass. Sign up below!!!

Now, here are a few things I’m grateful for this year:

First, I celebrated my 10 year wedding anniversary with my husband in London and Paris this past Summer. You can read all about it in the underlined and bolded links. I’m also so grateful for the most supportive and loving partner. His love is deep, and I’m the luckiest.

Next, I am so grateful for my support team. To my community and project manager, Suzie Masser, who's helped me so much, especially this year, while I have had some health challenges, and my support team includes my mastermind sisters and friends. You know who you are, and you all have gotten me through the rough patches this year. Sometimes, I don’t think I deserve to have such wonderful women in my life.


And last but certainly not least, I am grateful for my clients and for the members of the Financial Freedom for Creatives Club. I see your bravery, your willingness to get uncomfortable, and your support of one another when the “chips are down,” so to speak.


I was just speaking to a couple who are in the Financial Freedom for Creatives Club, and in the last year, they paid off over $20,000 of debt. They’re also now making money, doing what they love, and they even moved to a bigger and nicer home. When they first started, they didn’t even have the money to join, and they didn’t know how they could ever get rid of debt or move from their tiny 1 bedroom apartment, and they told me it was because of a combination of the emotional work we did in FFCC, uncovering money blocks and what may be holding them back, as well as the supportive community and listening to what other creative types are going through in their financial journey that helped them to accomplish their financial goals. Here’s a little bit of what we talked about…

I am so grateful to Kelly and Hugo, and I’m so excited for what’s next to come – buying a house hopefully! If you want to experience your path towards financial freedom - getting rid of money blocks, paying off your debts, and making money doing what you love, I want to encourage you to get on the list to find out when my masterclass, the Financial Freedom Formula, will be. I’ll be hosting those LIVE and for FREE in December. Just give me your best email below, and you’ll be notified as soon as you can register for it.


With Gratitude,

P.S. Please let me know what it is that you are grateful for, in the comments, and if you celebrate, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Previous Comments

Arnold lau Great fun for community joy and also learning from you and money blocks too invest and also be negotiable discounts and bargains

November 27, 2022, 12:12am

Katy @Arnold lau Thanks for reading and commenting!

November 27, 2022, 12:13am


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