Health IS Wealth

Health, Wealth & High Performance With #GoalDigger Tilita

I KNOW your health IS your wealth!

It's one of my top Core Values because when I'm mentally and physically healthy, I feel like I can take on anything. And when I am not in my peak mental or physical shape, then my productivity suffers. I also know that this is especially true if you work for yourself or you're a creative freelancer. We don't get "sick pay." When we aren't feeling our best, we end up not doing the work we really want and having the ability to make what we want.

For those who have lifelong health challenges, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, and I'm sure you're asking me right now...what you can do about it. Well, I want you to have the ability to up your baseline, especially when it comes to your mental health.

I know that when you are not making what you want or drowning in debts, then the stress of it all can create more health issues. So, let's get you a roadmap, a game plan or whatever you'd like to call it.

It's why #GoalDigger and High Performance Coach Tilita Lutterloh and I have collaborated on this incredible 1-day virtual retreat. We are calling it a retreat because we are not going to be talking at you, showing you slides or giving you more things to add to your "to-do" list.

Instead, the entire day is set up to restore your mind, body and soul. You'll feel inspired to take action, rather than taking action because you feel like you "have to get something done." And...I promise you can get it all done in this 1 day!

We start the day with a guided meditation, and we end the day with restorative you'll really feel like you took care of yourself. In-between, Tilita will lead us in a workout AND we brought in a decluttering expert, who will work with you to clear out a space in your home, a pile of papers, or even a closet that you've been meaning to declutter. (***This is what's brilliant about a virtual retreat, right? You're already IN your own space, so you can actually get this done during the retreat and not wait until you get no reason for you to procrastinate!)

Since Tilita is a #GoalDigger and a High Performance Coach, she's going to show you how to get clarity on your goals, and then we'll break out into smaller groups, so that she and I can work with you individually on getting really crystal clear, so that, together, we can create a productivity roadmap for your 2021 health and wealth goals.

How does all of that sound? If it sounds incredible...just go HERE to sign up now or click on the button below.

YES, Sign me up for this AWESOME retreat!

Since you know me pretty well by now but may or may not know Tilita, here's an interview I did with her last year, if you want to get to know her more.

And here's a shorter video she and I did recently, talking about why we decided to collaborate on this one day retreat...

Is that all enough to convince you to join us? If not and you have more questions, just put it in the comments below, or send me an email at: Hope to see you this coming Sunday, 1/31/21!!!

With Gratitude,


Happy Lunar New Year!


MLK & the American Dream in 2021