How to Social Happy!

My vlog guest today is a social media maven!

Over a decade as an actor showed Lauren Litt that while she had many incredibly talented friends, not all of them knew how to promote themselves online. And so, in 2014, Lil Shameless Plug was born.

In creating Lil Shameless Plug, her goal was to help creative entrepreneurs build an online web presence to help them find their audience and expand their communities.

Since its creation, Lil Shameless Plug has been able to teach the social media rules to independent entrepreneurs, brick and mortars, and even an Oscar Qualifying Film Festival!

In 2020 Lauren launched, Social Happy, the 6-week adventure for creative entrepreneurs to take advantage of social media and use it as a force for good. Lauren lives in Atlanta with her hubby and three fur babies, whom she recently took on a wild RV trip cross country.

We talk about the epic and epic fails she encountered on this adventure, as well as how to actually be happy and make money from your social media! And oh yeah...if you can't tell from the screen grab below...we laughed our asses off and had the most delightful time...

Click HERE to sign up for her free webinar class! (I signed up already because I definitely want to learn how to social happy!)

You can also follow Lauren on social media, of course!

Twitter: @lilshamelessplg and @laurenjlitt


Instagram: @lauren.litt

With Gratitude,

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