My 1st In Person Event Since the Pandemic

This weekend I spoke at my first in-person event since the pandemic. (The picture above was from my last in-person event in February of 2020.)

It felt surreal.

On the one hand, it felt really familiar and oh so good.

On the other hand, I felt uncertain.

In the morning, I woke up with a sore throat and a headache, and my first thought was – do I have covid? Should I just stay home and do this by zoom?

Then, when I felt a bit better, I left my house to take the long journey from Pasadena to Murrieta. It’s about 79 miles, and the GPS earlier had said it would take an hour and a half. However, now, there were 2 major accidents along the way, so it said it would take me about 2 hours.


To be honest, the first accident almost made me turn back around.

Not only was this the first in-person event, but I also had not driven this much in the last two years, and this 3-car accident on the freeway made me question what I was doing.

I mean, the event host did not require me to be there in person. In fact, she told me that she had zoom set up, if I preferred to do it that way.

So, why was I torturing myself, clenching the steering wheel, navigating debris along the freeway and driving 79 miles each way on a Saturday?

I didn’t know why, but something compelled me forward.

Once I got there I knew why.

First, I met the most incredible women. They were open, vulnerable, creative, fun and funny. Their energy filled me up, and besides having to take a covid test at the door, I pretty much forgot about the pandemic for the 3 hours I was there.

Next, we went deep, perhaps even deeper because we were in such an intimate environment. It was a retreat, and instead of standing up and teaching/speaking in front of everyone, I decided I wanted to just sit in comfy chairs in a circle and make it more interactive.

I taught how to shift energy and beliefs, in order to attract the clients we want in their creative businesses, and how to NOT let money stand in the way of their dream lives.

I also put two brave, vulnerable, open souls on the hot seat, and I coached them on what could be blocking them from going for what they truly desire and making it happen 100%.

Afterwards, they both felt like a huge weight had been lifted, and a lot of their fears and doubts dissipated, and everyone in the room cried.

Now quite often when I work with clients deeply, many do get emotional. However, this was the first time the entire room got emotional.

Everyone cried because it was collective healing and compassion. They were with each other so deeply that when the person in the hot seat cried, everyone else felt what she was feeling.

If they weren't crying, I would say that meant they probably had some judgments and maybe jsut felt sorry for that person, instead of truly being in compassion.

Someone once told me that the latin root of compassion means "with suffering."

When we are truly with someone's suffering, we are hand in hand, arm in arm, experiencing it with them. It's real support, and I know that these women will be bonded for a very long time.

That’s why I believe in working in groups. Sometimes we don’t even have to be in the hot seat, and we can receive healing as well.

That’s why in about a month 5 Asian women coaches and myself will host a FREE summit to support other female entrepreneurs, especially women of color, to come together, so we can support each other to heal generational wounds, so that we can live the life of our dreams!

It's going to be an incredible summit!

Do you want to be invited?

Sign up below (where it asks for your email address and click on subscribe) to get on the list, and I’ll send you details as soon as it’s ready!

With so much Love & Gratitude,

P.S. If you also want to experience what I do to help remove money blocks, let me know either in the comments below or in an email.


I've almost always felt like an outsider


Empaths, Intuitives & Introverts Need to Do Business Differently