October Sweater Weather, WGA Wins Big & Expressing Creativity and Joy!

Happy October, my friends!


October is the true start of the Fall season to me. The weather is getting cooler in Los Angeles, and although everything is still very green, I'm feeling the...


I'm also excited that the writers strike is over, and they won big! A WGA memo wrote:


“We can say, with great pride, that this deal is exceptional — with meaningful gains and protections for writers in every sector of the membership,"


The details have yet to be released, but with the above sentiment, we can venture to guess that there will be increased minimum pay, streaming residuals and protections against AI taking over writing for projects.


Remember when an anonymous studio executive was quoted by Deadline as saying:

“The endgame is to allow things to drag on until union members start losing their apartments and losing their houses.”


Well, despite the studios and networks' best efforts to drag this out for 148 days, writers stood firm and held out for the best deal possible for its members. So hurray!


Now, it's time to support the actors!


One such way is to restore our nervous system, get into our body and by expressing creativity and joy through play. Last week, my fellow Master Coaches and I held the True Self Summit, 3 days of incredible presentations that included breathwork, tools to create purpose, healthy boundaries, better relationships, authentic architecture for how you want to live your life, financial wellness, and so much more!


One of the speakers whom I adore is Patryce King. She's a professional pianist and self named Joy Dealer! And she's the real deal. When you get to experience her -- you just know this woman is CREATIVE!!!! (All in CAPS with multiple exclamation points!)


She and I sat down and had a delightful conversation and a little play prompt she put me through before the summit, and I thought it was so good that I wanted to share it here...

Although the True Self Summit is over, I know you can still catch the replay for another two weeks, or if you wanted to get the VIP version, you'll be able to keep the recordings for six months. Patryce's summit presentation is worth signing up for and watching...believe me! Especially if you're a creative person, but also if you don't consider yourself one because...(hint, hint)...she and I both believe EVERYONE is creative.


And if you did sign up for the True Self Summit, did you grab my free gift? It's called the Conscious Cash Companion, and it's a way to create more consciousness around your spending...to understand your own patterns...and to create a new habit.


It's also a way to bust through any money beliefs that may no longer serve you. I'm giving you the tools to create clarity on what true wealth means to you, as well as rewrite your old money scripts and to transform your thinking from scarcity to abundance.


With Love & Gratitude,


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