What 2020 Has Taught Us

Today, I want to introduce you to Vanessa Petronelli.

Vanessa Petronelli got into an all girls pop group in Canada at a very young age (watch the interview for how that happened!), and she's also acted and have done other work in the entertainment industry. Taking what she knows from being in the entertainment industry, she now works with celebrity and non-celebrity clients to create more joy in their life and work!

Vanessa and I have a very deep conversation about what this crazy year (pandemic, fires, etc.) means for us all, the changes we're seeing in the entertainment industry and how we can all make the changes we truly want to see...

Bio: Vanessa is highly sought after for her gift of life, spiritual and performance coaching. These lifelong gifts have transformed from a personal practice to a business and brand. She is teaching, speaking, and writing about the powerful impact of accessing higher-levels of consciousness and awakening Hollywood as the CEO and Founder of Soul Aligned Success.

Vanessa works with and supports high-performance actors, directors, writers, musicians and producers to embody and lead from their soul, to find balance and fulfillment throughout their entire lives.

Originally from Toronto, Canada, Vanessa is a former model, actress, singer and yoga teacher. She now resides with her husband Jeffrey and rescue dog Leo, in San Diego, California living the SoCal lifestyle of sunshine, sand, and surf.

Visit | vanessapetronelli.com

Facebook | facebook.com/vanessapetronelli

Instagram | instagram.com/vanessapetronelli

With so much Gratitude,

P.S. I've been in the midst of a refi, and starting next Monday, I'm going to chronicle it all...the good, the bad, and what I'm learning along the way. If you would like to follow me on my journey, subscribe below!


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