Financial Freedom for Freelancers

Thank YOU everyone who attended the Financial Freedom for Freelancers Workshop yesterday! It was awesome!!!

People are still filing in...

People are still filing in...

Just in case you hadn't heard, I hosted a workshop yesterday in Pasadena, California, to go over the basics of what every freelancer should know to get out of the cycle of living feast to famine, and it was really fun!

Financial Freedom for Freelancers Workshop Oct 14, 2018 photo credit:

Financial Freedom for Freelancers Workshop Oct 14, 2018 photo credit:

One friend drove all the way from Santa Monica to come to the workshop! If you know Los Angeles, Santa Monica is really West and Pasadena is really East. It probably took her at at least 45 minutes each way, maybe even an hour, depending on traffic.

Photo Credit:

Photo Credit:

The support and feedback I got yesterday from those I knew and those I didn't know were really amazing, so I just wanted to dedicate this blog post to those of you who showed up for yourselves to learn how to make your money work for you!

photo credit:

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If you missed the workshop, you can read about networking and debts in Finance 101 for Freelancers Part 1 and then in Part 2, you can read all about savings, compounding interest (which we didn't cover in the workshop) and getting paid what you're worth (where we got into some fun role playing!)

Photo Credit: Michael Mazzara

Photo Credit: Michael Mazzara

If you couldn't make it to the workshop, and you're truly interested in knowing how to live more financially free, enter your e-mail here, and I'll send you a link to view the video, when it's ready! It's not quite the same as being there in person, but you'll still learn something!

If you did attend the workshop, please leave your comments below! I'd love to hear from you all! If you're interested in a free 1-hour financial assessment, please go to the home page and sign up!

With Gratitude,


Money, Love & a Brothel


Finance 101 for Freelancers (Part 2)