Health Is Wealth

A strong physical body leads to strong mental clarity and energy!

I have a block against exercise.

Whenever I start up an exercise routine that's more than just walking, yoga, dance or Qigong, I end up getting injured or sick. I'm still recovering from a frozen shoulder, after pulling a muscle at Orange Theory almost a year ago!

I don't know what the mental block is, but I do know that once I discover it...I'll be on my way to becoming a healthier me!

I've also mentioned in a past blog post how much I've been emotionally eating, and subsequently, spending on unhealthy food. As you may or may not know, there's a close emotional connection with food and money. Have you ever heard the phrase "health is wealth?" It's sooo true! Without your health, you can't even begin to think about wealth.

So, I have two solutions for you and me today.

First, I've created an emotional spending's just like a food diary, but for your money. You can get it HERE or below. It'll help you make true transformations in your spending habits!

Next, I've asked Ben Ellis, one of the coaches at The Limitless Collaborative to share with us how to increase energy... something I'm definitely needing to learn right now! You?

Ben Ellis - Fitness Trainer & Health Coach

First, a little bit about Ben...he's a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer, who's devoted 18 years to helping humanity get healthy. Motivation, accountability and inspiration is what he brings to the table. His clients have had very successful transformations with his help, and today he shares with us how to have more energy to get things done in our lives!

By Ben Ellis

Throughout my career as a Fitness Trainer and Health Coach I have seen how a lack of energy can drastically slow down a person's productivity towards personal, relationships, and business goals. We all strive for greatness and success in life.

How do we keep this drive and focus?

By keeping our energy high! 

If you want to power yourself through the day you need at least 20 min a day of Exercise devoted to raising your energy level, which in turn, increases the vibration that your body holds.

The higher the positive vibration your body can hold...the more it will allow success and personal achievements to flow directly to you.

Eating properly throughout the day will also impact productivity.

Keep your body fueled with the perfect balance of nutrition.

Avoid sugar. Eat raw vegetables, fruit, protein and complex carbs.

Try and avoid simple carbs because the body burns them too quickly and you have to keep running back to eat more and more to stay alert...resulting in added weight from ingesting too many calories and less energy towards the end of the day. 

When I explain this to clients who first embark on their fitness journey, they don’t fully understand the impact of fitness and nutrition on their productivity levels but after a couple of months of steadily devoting fitness and proper nutrition to their daily activities they're always excited to tell me the progress they've made!

It’s so rewarding to see clients and friends fully understand how fitness and nutrition increases our productivity in every area of our lives. 

If these practices are implemented on a daily basis, your productivity will flourish with Nutrition & Fitness!

Do you have any questions about your health, eating or exercising? Are you like me and have a block against exercising? Let Ben or me know below!

I'm teaching you all about how to make more money, unblock anything holding you back from making as much money as you want, paying off debts, and shifting your mindset from a paycheck to paycheck mentality to one of true financial FREEDOM in The Limitless Collaborative.

We give you LIMITLESS access to the course materials and so many cool collaborations with your fellow members and all 5 of your coaches (including Ben Ellis who wrote today's guest blog and Angela Kristen Taylor whom you met on the blog last week), which includes SIX private 1-hour coaching sessions to get even deeper and more specific with your particular block!

If you missed the webinar, it's available on The Limitless Collaborative site. If you're interested in getting more details about The Limitless Collaborative, check it out HERE. I hope to see you there!

Also, if you're in the Los Angeles area, I'm holding a workshop with two other coaches, Laverne McKinnon (Life Coach & Executive Producer on shows like Netflix's Girlboss) and Sandie Bass (Executive Coach & Marketing Strategist). If you go to this workshop page, you'll see testimonials and photos of our last meetup that was transformative for those involved! If you want more information, feel free to send me an email to: If you're ready to start your extraordinary life, click HERE to sign up today!

With Gratitude,


100 days till Christmas!


May the Force Be With You