I'm committed to easing your financial worries...

First, I just want to say... I love you.

You are very loved, and I want you to know.

Next, I want to say...I hear you.

Besides worrying about the actual virus and whether or not you and your loved ones are safe, you're worried about losing your jobs and lack of income during this time.

It's why I'm going to have a free online gathering this Thursday evening at 5pm PT/8pm ET.

We're going to commiserate, ask questions, support each other through all of this. Sign up below to join me.

I want to be as helpful as possible during this time, so I'll coach on money mindset, work through money blocks, answer questions about what to do during this time with your money, and we'll meditate and calm down our nervous system. Again, this is FREE!. I just ask that you sign in so I know who will be there, and so I can send you the Zoom link, where we will be holding this session.

In the meantime, here are some helpful articles and government issued press releases on how to get some money and reduce bills during this time:

  • NYT: Getting Unemployment Insurance During CoronaVirus because you have to have some kind of income.

  • If you're in the entertainment industry, here's a list of resources that may be able to help you to get additional income, in addition, to unemployment because, as you know, unemployment is such a small amount of money. 

  • NYT: New Paid Leave Law that just went into effect that helps all workers, including self-employed, part time and gig workers that gives you PAID TIME OFF up to $511, if you are sick or you need to take care of someone who's sick.

  • U.S. Department of Education on Friday (March 20, 2020) issued a press release saying that all federal student loan payments can be temporarily stopped and interest rates will be waived during this time. If you don't have a federal student loan, you may also want to call up your student loan carrier. Navient, Sallie Mae and other private loan companies on this article's list also have agreed to help waive interest rates and/or provide loan forbearance at this time. 

  • IRS has pushed this year's tax filing deadline to July 15th. Of course, if you expected a refund, file now so you can get some money sooner than later. However, if you expect to owe...feel free to wait and file later. If you’ve already filed a return and scheduled a payment for April 15, you can call the I.R.S. at 888-353-4537 and cancel it. 

  • Most states are also offering tax paying deadline relief. Here's a list of states and what they're doing about paying your taxes at this time.

  • FCC has gotten all of these Internet/broadband providers as well as utilities to sign a pledge to not shut you down if you can't pay. If you need help, please call your internet providers, as well as your utility company.

  • Credit card companies and Banks (where you may have a loan) are working with people to help with possible forbearance of payments. Call the numbers on the back of your credit card to talk to someone about what they're willing to do during this time. Here's a list of banks and what they're doing during the pandemic.

  • Car companies, like Ford, is also offering to pause your monthly payment, although the interest will still accrue. Check with your car loan company, if you need assistance there. Also, check with your mortgage loan provider for any help with your mortgage during this time. Remember most states have issued rules and laws that prohibit any evictions for non-payment during this time.

If you are in a position to have money coming in, it's a really good time to increase your emergency savings and to actually increase investments in your retirement portfolios. I have a free pdf to help you to do just that. Let me know if you want it. And of course, I'll give you more coaching around it on our call Thursday. Sign up HERE.

With so much Love & Gratitude,


What the U.S. Stimulus Package Means for You


Expanding to Combat Anxiety and to Build Connections