Parasite Invades the Oscars

The South Korean movie Parasite makes history as the first non-English language film to ever win the Academy Award for Best Picture! But you know this.

Besides it being a really amazing movie and a movie with an all Asian cast, I'm writing about it today because of its theme of money and the divide between rich and poor.

The movie starts with seeing the Kim family living in a semi-basement apartment, barely able to see the outside, folding pizza boxes for income and allowing fumigation to waft through their windows to get some "free" insect repellent. They believe in gaming the system to get by, as evidenced in their stealing their neighbors' wifi.

In contrast, when the son gets an opportunity to tutor a rich kid, he arrives at an architecturally significant property with its own park-like yard (an anomaly in Seoul).

In the director Bong Joon Ho's world, the rich and the poor are all the same. They're both "parasites."

The wealthy Park family rely on the help of the "poor," but they don't see them as equals. Instead, they only see them as tools, without feelings, without needs and easily dismissible, even after years of service.

The lower class Kim family attaches themselves, one by one, to the wealthy Parks for income and, in the hopeful mind of the son, perhaps, a way to move up in social and economic class.

Of course, there's another twist that involves another layer of living at the bottom of the food chain and that person treating the wealthy Mr. Park as a God-like figure, bowing in deference to the four years Mr. Park, unknowingly, fed and housed him.

This is where I want to interject.

When we treat those with money as "better than" or having something or knowing something more than we have or know, then it's easy to divide ourselves into a class system, even where one doesn't exist. Let's not divide ourselves from our neighbors, our fellow citizens and global beings. Instead, let us strive to unite, find common ground and treat all as equals.

And it all starts with ourselves. Let's create a life for ourselves where we can be filled with gratitude for what we do have, while creating the space for more money, love and magic! True financial freedom is a place of peace and satisfaction.

At the end of the movie and at the end of life, it's not the money we had or didn't have that defines our lives. Instead, we are defined by our character, by the people we've touched, and by using our God given talents and sharing them in this world.

With so much Love & Gratitude,

I would love to hear from you! What do you believe to be true about those who have money and those who don't? Were you surprised by Parasite winning Best Picture? Did you see Parasite and if so, what did you think? What limiting beliefs do you think you have about money and what can you let go of today? Please subscribe and comment below! If you don't know what your limiting beliefs or money blocks are, click on this LINK to get my FREE workbook to find and release your money blocks!

Also, if you're in the Los Angeles Tuesday, I'm so excited and honored to be speaking on stage with Allyson Byrd of Profit Accelerator and Natalie Franke who co-founded Rising Tide, a nationwide community for creative entrepreneurs to collaborate. Please come and hear us talk about money mindset! I'm specifically going to be talking about achieving true financial freedom for those of us with inconsistent incomes and creative minds! It's $15 to attend, but that's to to just cover costs for Rising Tide. It's going to be the best $15 you ever spent! Sign up HERE to attend.


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