Peace & Joy This Holiday Season

Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Happy Kwanzaa!

(And I would normally say Happy Hanukkah, but this year it came and went so early!)

December 21st starts the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, so it’s time to go within. I’m feeling myself slowing down and wanting to do less work and more nourishing activities.

On Saturday, I participated in a New Year Release & Renew Ritual and yesterday, I spent some time on the beach participating in a Soundbath and cacao ceremony.  

I was so grateful that I could be there in 66 degree weather, sitting on a beach in Southern California, and participating in this incredibly healing Soundbath.

Afterwards, I went to lunch with friends and stayed until the sun set and on my way home, driving towards downtown Los Angeles, I caught a glimpse of the full moon...

Can you see the moon? It’s the orange yellow ball peaking above one of the buildings, in-between the skyscrapers…

Prior to this weekend, I heard a live-stream concert, and it just filled my soul with joy.

What’s filling you up these days? Are you taking care of YOU? It’s the time to do so, my friend!

Sometimes during the holidays, it feels like we need to get caught up in the buying of gifts, going to parties (yes! Holiday parties are back!), and all of the external stuff.

However, I’m here to tell you that no amount of gift giving, tree or light decor, or cider drinking will give you a sense of peace and joy. And isn’t this the time of year to experience true peace and joy? We sing carols about those things, and yet, we may not really feel it.

True peace and joy comes from within.

So, connect to Divine Love, Love of God, Love for yourself, and Gratitude for what you already have – the sun shining in the sky, the snow that blanketed overnight while you slept, the hummingbird that flew to the window to greet you, the way the light streams through the window in your bedroom, the music that speaks to your soul, the delicious meal that you or someone you love prepared or a passage in a book or a film with such artistry that it brings tears to your eyes.

What you love will give you love, which will fill you up. Keep filling yourself up, my friend.

May you have a week filled with magic, celebration and love! If this time of the year feels lonely or more challenging, please reach out to someone, a friend, coach, or therapist.

I’m sending YOU so much love, warmth and healing.

With Gratitude,


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