Tips that will Help you to Save Money when Moving

Studies show moving is the most stressful event in someone's life. It's more stressful than divorce and a breakup!

One of the reasons it's stressful -- it's expensive! If you want to try and keep the cost down, this collaborative contributed post can help.

Ask your Supermarket for Cardboard Boxes

The first thing that you need to do is try and ask your local supermarket to see if they have some cardboard boxes. You need to also find out if a family member or even a friend has any boxes spare. You would be surprised at how expensive boxes can be when you are trying to move, so try and save yourself a bit of expense by getting them for free from people who just want rid of them.

Don’t Just Rely on Boxes

Although it's a good idea for you to try and get as many boxes as you can, you don’t need to rely on boxes alone. You can use laundry boxes, suitcases, bins and more. They all serve as great carrying containers and they are ideal for transporting things such as bedding, shoes, clothes and more. You can probably pick some up for a very affordable price from your local store. You may even find that they are cheaper than buying boxes and that you can use them long after you move. It’ll make your life way easier.

Don’t Pay Lots of Money for Bubble Wrap

Never pay lots of money for a lot of bubble wrap. Instead, save up on newspaper so that you can wrap your fragile items. You can also use grocery bags and towels to package delicate items too. The great thing about doing this is that it will protect your items and it will save you a considerable amount of money. If you're looking to save money on the house too, then sites such as Mortgage Quote are ideal, so you can find the best information about loans, mortgages and more.

Think Carefully

Think carefully when you're doing your shopping, in the lead-up to your move. Ideally, you need to minimize the amount of stuff that you have to transport. Don’t buy family packs of food and bulky packs of washing up powder. Instead, do your bit to try and purchase smaller items. Buy things that will last you a few days and nothing more, before you're due to move. This way you can throw away everything and not have more to pack.

Start Running down your Freezer

Transporting freezer items can be a pain if you want to move. You need to start running down your freezer if you can and you also need to clean out your fridge. This will stop you from having to store everything while you move and you may even find that it stops food from spoiling while you get everything else sorted out, so make sure that you keep this in mind if you can. It’ll make everything easier for you. 


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