5 days to Financial Freedom

My 5 Days to Financial Freedom Challenge starts tomorrow (Monday, August 3rd). Have you joined yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Sign up HERE! If you need a bit more convincing, let me tell you first WHY I wanted to host another FREE challenge.

In January, I put together my first challenge, and 120 people joined us, from all over the world. And those who participated in the challenge got sooo much abundance, knowledge and mindset shifts! Check out a few of the posts Dan, on my team, screen grabbed:

Social media posts expressing gratitude and excitement about Financial Freedom Challenge

Since January, of course, the world has changed. We're living in a pandemic, with unemployment at an all-time high and the stock market rocking all over the place, and yet...I've got to tell ya, my clients are doing BETTER during this pandemic, including one client who got a new prestigious job with a MAJOR media company and we worked on negotiating her starting salary $17K MORE than the company originally said was their MAX!

During this pandemic, I've been invited to speak about how to manage your money during a crisis, including an interview with Elise Arsenault on her #TheGlobalActor #StayAtHome Series & Giveaway. She's one of my clients who's feeling better about her finances during this time...

Before Actor & Think Bigger Founder & Coach, DaJuan Johnson, spoke to Elise, he first said this...

And...one participant who isn't even a client, took what she learned during the January challenge and is also doing better! (She wrote me when I announced this new challenge.)

I have to thank you so much for the "5 Days to Financial Freedom" seminar back in January! It completely changed the way I think about money. In just six months, I have managed to save $13,000 WHILE paying off debt - AND with my husband out of work due to Covid. Paying myself first (putting aside a minimum of $200 a week) has been a game changer. You showed me that it is possible to save while paying off bills - something I never dreamed one could do! I feel so much more secure knowing we have savings to access for emergencies. Our goal is to buy a house next year and we are confident that we are going to make it a reality!

And now with the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance ending in the U.S. with no idea when the government may be issuing more assistance, I've changed up the challenge to address how to manage your money during a crisis. I know what it really feels like to have ups and downs in your income because I was a freelance TV producer for 15 years...

So if you want to feel more abundant, worry less about your finances, attract more money, negotiate higher rates (or anything) and learn how to save and invest... join us by signing up below! I'm honored and excited to help you find financial freedom.

With Gratitude,


Financial Freedom for Creatives


Financial Freedom