Are Your Beliefs Holding You Back?

Video Interview with Holistic Life & Relationship Coach & QHHT Practitioner Liz Forman

What's your story? What do you believe is true? Are your beliefs holding you back? How do you create the life you want by just shifting your thoughts? Life Coach and QHHT practitioner Liz Forman has trained with some of the best in the spiritual coaching industry like (Tony) Robbins-Madanes, Brooke Castillo and Dolores Cannon (Quantum Hypnosis Healing Technique), and she tells us what they all have in common in their teachings.

Liz Forman is a holistic life and relationship coach, author, Level 2 Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner (QHHT) and energy worker who empowers people to tap into their innate knowing (intuition) and creativity to have amazing relationships and get crystal clear on what it is that you want so that you may be the very best version of you and life your best life.

She's one of the coaches in The Limitless Collaborative. It's a membership program that includes Liz, myself and three other coaches who will TRANSFORM your year in all of the areas you may want some help -- money, relationships, productivity, career/business, PR/marketing, health and fitness because all of us need a little help from our friends, and that's what we'll be to you...a friend who's just so good with any of those topics!

Check out the link for information and then book your free clutter breakthrough session with any one of us! If you want to break through energetic or relationship clutter, talk to Liz! She can also help you shift your beliefs, so they don't hold you back.

What do you think of my conversation with Liz? Are there certain things you'd love to shift in 2020? Let us know in the comments! (Publicly declaring what you want helps to make it come true because it's bringing focus and attention.) Let me know if you'd like help with your finances! Is this the year you finally pay off your debts, get that raise, push your business to the next level, shift into the life and career you truly love? I'd love to help you get there! Sign up for a session by going to my home page HERE, signing up where it says if you want a free session, and then scheduling time HERE.

20-20 is the year of seeing clearly! Let's get clarity on whatever you need NOW. This is your year to take action instead of at the end of the year, facing the same issues over and over again. I want to be TRULY healthy this year, so I'm working with a nutrition/health coach. I know that trying to do it on my own hasn't yielded the results I crave, so I'm raising my hand and asking for help.

I would be honored to help.

With so much Love & Gratitude,


Why You May be Tired, Gaining Weight & Losing Motivation


Happy New Year! 2009-2019